** Download Zynga Poker Bot Terbaru **
Kali ini saya akan share tentang Zynga Poker Bot Terbaru yang menurut saya wajib dicoba buat yang suka mean texas holdem poker. Sebelumnya pun saya pernah share Cheat Texas Holdem Poker yang sudah lama saya share dan kemungkinan sudah tidak bisa dipakai lagi. Langsung saja dibawah ini merupakan fitur dan pemakaian cheat zynga poker april 2011.
*Bekerja di Jaringan Zynga Games (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Bebo, dll)
*100% otomatis, bergabung tabel, menutup popup, reload ketika terjebak
*Full source code tersedia untuk download
*Bekerja dalam tabel ukuran dengan bankroll
*Dimainkan tangan terbaik, dan kemudian menghitung peluang untuk membuat keputusan
*Memungkinkan PlayerProfiles kustom
*Tabel hop jika lawan terlalu sedikit
*Tabel hop jika tirai terlalu besar atau terlalu kecil
*Memungkinkan gambar pengguna kustom.
*Mendeteksi jumlah lawan.
Cara Pemakaian Zynga Poker Bot ( Maaf Pakai B.Inggris Terjemahkan Sendiri OK )
*Open up settings.ini and scroll down to the [Browser]. Change only if you don’t use IE. Save and close if you made changes.
*Go to your Texes Holdem Lobby. Be sure you have the chips showing on the top.
*Run the ZingaPokerBotTool3.exe. You need to have the whole lobby showing when you start it up so drag the folder off the lobby screen before starting it. It will let you know when its done.
*Run the bot.exe. If you didn’t copy over your seats info you’ll need to join a empty 9 seat room. This part teaches it where your seats are and what your pic looks like. (if you ever change your pic you need to delete all the ini files in your data/seats folder and redo your seats) After learning your seats it will go into a room via the room chooser instead of hitting play now.
*Every time you go to a new blind room a popup will ask you what the blind is.
In the following the big blind is 1000 so just type in 1000 and hit save. Entering the wrong number here will lead to problems like going all in when its not suppose to! ,If you don’t see a popup your browser may have stopped it. Turn off the blocker or try a different browser.
*It should now join a seat and start playing. If all the seats are full it will go to the lobby and choose a new room. http://ilmu-komputer23.blogspot.com/2011/03/download-zynga-poker-bot-terbaru.html
*If all goes well right click the bot in the toolbar and exit. You can now edit
Semoga Zynga Poker Bot Terbaru ini bisa bermanfaaat bagi kalian semuanya yang suka maen poker. Bagi yang mau download zynga poker bot silahkan klik disini gratis ko alias free download. Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencoba poker bot terbaru ini.
Credit By = Asvan Blog
Salam *Zenju_Cheater*
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